Home(grown) is Where the Heart is.

Home(grown) is Where the Heart is.

"You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes"
- Vivienne Westwood

When was the last time someone asked you about your outfit, and their immediate guess wasn't a fast fashion brand? The feeling of wearing something fresh and far from mass-produced is a feeling is often underestimated. Ending up with the same products as seen in another person's haul video? not cool huney.

ENTER SLOW FASHION — Now what is homegrown really? It's the equivalent of how you like your friendships: quality over quantity. It's about choosing ethical, eco-friendly and unique pieces, not to forget, timeless. Imagine owning a piece of clothing designed locally, made ethically, especially for you. How cool is that?  


WHY SLOW FASHION IS THE NEW COOL — While fast fashion can be fleeting, and forgettable, like your high school crush, slow fashion can put you in the spotlight.
A wardrobe filled with unique, and sustainable pieces, is far superior to the same-old-same-old, worn by everyone else. Homegrown brands offer one-of-a-kind designs. Whether you're strutting into a fiesta, or just grabbing a latte, you'll look fabulous. Why blend in, when you can effortlessly stand out?


HOW TO JOIN THE MOVEMENT — Don't worry, we're not asking you to join a cult!
Start simple; at your next slumber party, spice things up with a wardrobe audit segment? Imagine a scene straight out of Sex and the City, and be the Carrie Bradshaw of your wardrobe! Those clothes that no longer fit, or thrill you? They can find new homes through a cute swap with your friends. Basically musical chairs, but make it fashion— everyone ends up on a new chair with something fabulous and fresh, and you've got yourself a better-than-ever, conscious wardrobe makeover.

THE JOY OF WEARING HOMEGROWN — The first, and foremost (read: selfish) benefit of wearing something homegrown is the sense of uniqueness—it draws you apart from the crowd. The second, is of course playing your part as a responsible individual. It's honestly high time and in a comparative space, consuming ethically is all pros. There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of looking fabulous, and knowing you're not just another fashion clone. Try it.


Lastly, if all of this is too intimidating for your forever procrastinating self, just visit 21.12 and we got you! (a little self promotion never hurt anyone.) 


see you again, soon x


by Janvi Gujral | 21.12

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